Legal Notice: 2021 Organizational Meeting
Please take notice that the Board of Fire Commissioners of the Belgium Cold Springs Fire District will hold the 2021 Organizational Meeting on January 4, 2021 at 7:00 P.M. at the at Belgium Cold Springs Fire Department Station #1 at 7920 River Road, Baldwinsville, New York. All meetings of the Board of Fire Commissioners of the Belgium Cold Springs Fire District are open to the public, however, in response the Coronavirus COVID 19 crisis, we want to ensure we are set up for social distancing and if the need arises to change the format to a virtual meeting; so please contact the District Secretary at 315-635-5136 or so we may set up the room accordingly for the number of people interested in attending or if necessary provide the remote access information if changed to a virtual meeting.
By order of the Board of Fire Commissioners.
Amy Speach,
Fire District Secretary